I have an hour+ project in Premiere Pro that is a live performance of a musical group. I've broken it up via Markers into 15 songs. I then, mostly with a lot of "by hand", exported the 15 songs to Media Encoder and it produced 15 videos. The catch is, the project is "mostly" done but I will likely want to go back and tweak things here and there.
Is there a way to save the 15 export settings as a single unit? They are all exactly the same except for the in and out points and the output file name. Or... perhaps there is some type of automation that I can use with Media Encoder so I can have an external "script" that would fire up the exports.
If I right click on one of the jobs in the queue (that has completed), "Export Settings" is disabled. Perhaps that is what I'm looking for?
Really, utopia would be if I could select a marker and say "Export" and it would pick up the title from the marker as well as the in and out points (i.e. the work area).