I've already read the other articles about concatenating but couldn't find any that discuss specifying the output bitrate.
I have 2 MP4 videos.
What I want to do is speed up the first video to 110% speed (without changing audio pitch) and then concatenate it with the second video (which will remain at normal speed), and I want the resulting video to have a bitrate of 2.5 Mbps (since that's what Wistia told me should be the minimum for my upload).
Currently, my first attempt results in a video where the 2nd part is all mangled and shows bright green, etc. My second attempt (of Step 4) results in a video that has a total bitrate of only 1645kbps.
Step 1:
In Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017, I've exported 2 videos, each using these settings:
Frame Rate: 30
Field Order: Progressive
Aspect: Square Pixels (1.0)
Profile: Main
Bitrate Encoding: CBR
Target Bitrate [Mbps]: 2.5
Audio Format: AAC
Audio Codec: AAC
Sample Rate: 48000 Hz
Bitrate [kbps]: 320
Step 2.
ffmpeg -i video1.mp4 -filter_complex "setpts=PTS/1.1;atempo=1.1" -c:v libx264 -x264-params "nal-hrd=cbr" -b:v 2.5M -minrate 2.5M -maxrate 2.5M -bufsize 5M video1_faster.mp4
Step 3. Create a text file of this content:
file 'video1_faster.mp4'
file 'video2.mp4'
Step 4 (first attempt).
ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i ffmpeg_concat_list.txt -c copy final.mp4
Step 4 (second attempt) (with re-encoding).
ffmpeg -i video1_faster.mp4 -i video2.mp4 -filter_complex "[0:v] [0:a] [1:v] [1:a] concat=n=2:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" -b:v 2.5M -minrate 2.5M -maxrate 2.5M -bufsize 5M final.mp4
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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