I'm new in programming, I have some movies and want to convert them to hevc format to reduce storage space but keep quality video, i tried with my code through ffmpeg:
**for %b in (*.mp4) DO ffmpeg -y -i "%b" -r 30 -g 50000 -q 22 -filter:v scale=650:-1 -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 320k -ar 96000 -f hevc -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 10500k -strict experimental -shortest -x264-params -lossless 1 -tag:v hvc1 -movflags +faststart -threads 4 "output\%%~nb.hevc
(The directory I tested: secufiles! )
I tried changing a lot of code but the result is still the same, the video only has images without sound, ffmpeg says me: "-qscale is ignored, -crf is recommended.", Please help me Or give me an idea for this code.
I am really grateful for any help from you.
Thank you very much.