in short: I set -r 25 , but I see in the converting process that it's fps=18. Why?
I am trying to convert a video to H.264 format using ffmpeg, and I am trying to set the framerate(out framerate) to 25. I am willing to accept more than 25 if possible but not below.
so I use this command:
ffmpeg -i Millionaire.mp4 -y -c:v libx264 -r 25 file.h264
But I see that in the convertion process in the cmd that: fps=18
Now I understand that fps means "frames per second".
And right after I hit the enter key, it starts as fps=25 but then it drops by 1 every few seconds until it reaches 18.
The input file is 1.61 GB
ffmpeg version: 47340467 30-Jan-2017 06:02
from the website:
System information:
i7-4702MQ CPU 2.20 GHZ
RAM = 8 GB
Windows 10 x64
Anybody knows why it doesn't stay on fps=25? And how can I force it to not drop below 25 fps?
Thank you