I've got a track in Premiere that's composed of a lot of screen shot stills and there's an audio track that narrates across all of them.
As the narrator talks, I want to illustrate what she's saying with FX from AfterEffects. For instance, when she mentions a specific region in the image, I want to animate in a highlight like so:
But I can't figure out how to sync the audio with the effects. If I replace the one still image with my AE comp, then I have no audio and I don't know when I need to apply the highlight.
The only other alternative I can see is to finish the entire track and then import it, audio and video, into AE and apply the effects. But then I'll have a massive AE track with hundreds of layers, each one targeting a different part of the timeline, and that seems like it will be very hard to manage.
Is there a better workflow or technique that I could use here?