I'm trying to convert an mp4 file to avi. I've tried this basic ffmpeg script:
ffmpeg -i inputFile.mp4 outputFile.avi
It works, but:
- the encoded avi file is very pixelated
- does not work with Quicktime Player.
I've also tried using these settings (as described here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/83161/use-ffmpeg-to-transform-mp4-to-same-high-quality-avi-file)
ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy filename.avi
But the problem there is that the MP4 codec is just copied into an AVI wrapper, and so the resulting video won't play in Quicktime Player nor Windows Media Player.
Can anyone suggest how to encode MP4 as AVI while still maintaining the quality and aspect ratio of the original while maintaining QuickTime compatibility?
ffmpeg -i inputFile.mp4 -q:v 6 outputFile.avi
for better quality. Lower Q values are better but produce larger files. Are you playing in QT on Windows?