I've googled for the last couple hours and couldn't find any real answers. In short, are there any camcorders that allow you to live stream your video straight to YouTube. All the camcorders with live streaming capabilities that I've found only seem to mention UStream, but this isn't good enough unfortunately.


I'd preferably like to do this on the go as A lot of camcorders nowawadays have Wi-Fi capabilities.

This must be possible as like I mentioned, you can do so to UStream. Also, GoPros can do it, but these aren't good enough for me because they lack a flip screen and are too small to hold

2 Answers 2


The "JVC GY-HM200SPU 4KCAM Compact Handheld Streaming Camcorder" claims... "When equipped with an optional Wi-Fi or 4G LTE high-speed broadband modem, the camcorder can deliver a live video stream directly to USTREAM and YouTube, while simultaneously recording HD video internally to SDHC/SDXC memory cards. "

I believe there are other camcorders in the JVC range, and almost certainly in cameras from other brands that will live-stream to YouTUbe.



You don't necessarily need a camcorder with the built-in ability to stream to YouTube, but rather, a camcorder (or any camera, really) that you can use as an input device to a computer. If you can use a camera as an input device (think of it like a super-high quality webcam of sorts), then you can live stream to YouTube, UStream, Twitch, etc., using a free software like OBS from your computer.

I could see it being unrealistic to include streaming capabilities inside a camera itself because this would require the camera to be able to connect to the internet, use a live stream key, connect to YouTube, etc. It's much simpler to just use a camera as an input device to a computer and let the computer handle the tough networking issues.

  • Should have been clearer in my Q, it has been edited Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 11:46
  • 1
    What purpose is this for? Have you considered maybe just using a smartphone? Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 13:17

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