Is it possible to speed up a video using handbrake ?
I am looking for a software like handbrake to convert videos for faster playback. It should speed up the video up to 30x.
Is it possible with handbrake or are there similar tools ?
You can use ffmpeg, a free command-line tool, to do this.
The basic command is
ffmpeg -i -vf "setpts=(PTS-STARTPTS)/30" -crf 18
The 30
indicates the factor by which the video will be sped up.
-vf "setpts=(PTS-STARTPTS)/30,reverse"
to disable or -af atempo=2,atempo=2,atempo=2,atempo=2,atempo=1.875
to speed up the audio as well.
Using FFmpeg's command-line, this is totally possible. I do it to increase the speed of my videos by 10% (increasing both the audio AND video by 10%, without sounding like a chipmunk).
The command to increase your video's speed by 10% is:
<ffmpeg path> -i <origin video path> -vf "setpts=(PTS-STARTPTS)/1.1" -crf 18 -af atempo=1.1 <output video path>
Here's the exact command line that I use:
"C:\Program Files\ffmpeg-win64\bin\ffmpeg.exe" -i "G:\minecraft lets play.mp4" -vf "setpts=(PTS-STARTPTS)/1.1" -crf 18 -af atempo=1.1 "G:\minecraft lets play ffmpeg.mp4"
If you want to increase your video's speed by more, or less, then you just change the "1.1" at both lines to something else. "1.1" is 10%. "1.5" is 50%. "3" is 300%. "10" is 1000%.