Are there special equipment to fix a camera in a top down view?
1 Answer
(This is an alternative to mounting a camera above a game board.)
If it proves difficult to mount and operate a camera above the board, consider using a mirror as an alternative. The camera can be placed on a normal tripod, and a mirror can be mounted above the board on a 45-degree angle. The camera then shoots the image in the mirror.
The image will need to be flipped vertically in post-production to avoid showing a mirror image of the board.
1This has the advantage that the camera operator can adjust things without having to climb a ladder.– stibCommented Feb 7, 2015 at 12:08
It's a good suggestion. It swaps the issue of placing the camera to placing the mirror. I don't know which is more difficult to do.– xiaodaiCommented Feb 8, 2015 at 22:24
@xiaodai I'm not sure which is more difficult either! But mirrors usually have a wood frame which should be able to rest in a homemade stand more easily than a camera (depending on the design of the camera). And as stib pointed out in his/her comment, the camera operator doesn't have to climb a ladder. Commented Feb 9, 2015 at 17:36
Just remember to flip the image horizontally with your editing software, or the board will appear reversed. Commented Feb 22, 2020 at 22:15