Is it possible to create one mask or track matte mask on a parent null layer that applies to all child layers? Only way I've figured out is to apply a track matte to every layer I want masked which seems very inefficient.
Is it possible to create one mask or track matte mask on a parent null layer that applies to all child layers? Only way I've figured out is to apply a track matte to every layer I want masked which seems very inefficient.
Well, there a lot of ways to get result quicker, but each one depends on desirable result. =)
Here's one way:
p.s.: this way is just a start, since it's not includes shifts of child and parent layers, but if pivots aligned it'll work
Like S-ed mentioned there are many ways.
I would Pre-compose all the layers I want masked. 2 steps:
1) Select all layers you want masked, then click the menu item Layer -> Pre-Compose (or shift-command-C).
2) Then apply your mask to the Pre-comp that you just created.
This keeps the workflow simple. Keeping things simple would allow you to create more complex effects.
Good luck with your project.