Easy quick way or tool to selectively pull Snapshots from a Video and put it into a Comic Strip type structure?
Take a minute long mp4 video and pull specific snapshots into a set of comic strip type of frames / story board type of layout.
Additionally, add some annotation text to frames if & when needed; manually or from the subtitles (embedded, inbuilt or external - .srt / .sub/ .txt)
Simple way / tool/ steps to do this?
PS: I am aware that Major / Big Video & Photo shop type programs will have/ allow way more than this. I am looking/ hoping to do this in a quick light way - maybe repeatedly for some videos.
If more context helps, I am trying to comic strip frames some stand up brief comedy routines' setup to punch-liners into static frames.
I wonder if such features can help?
Good app / process for organizing video snapshots into a storyboard?