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I've recorded a video with my phone (android), after trying an edit with movie maker (Weather I click "Save for youtube" or "Recommended for this project"), the audio seems choppy here and there. It's almost as if it's a robot speaking. If I say, "hello", it will be "H-e-e-e-ello". Also, it seems like it's echoing, a bit, tho that may be because of the source file.
When I try to save it in a different format, the problem strangely enough shifts. I mean, sometimes this part of the video is affected but another one isn't, whereas at other times, that part is affected but this one is not. It appears to be random. However, the image looks good and the audio is synched in.
What can I do to fix this issue? The original file does not have this problem.
I don't know what else I can say, except that I will add that it's frustrating that youtube removed it's free video editor, because for a beginner as myself, that thing was a godsend!