Questions tagged [presentation]

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4 votes
4 answers

Video format with dynamic resolution

Are there any video formats that change resolution per frame and with different resolutions at different parts of the screen? All videos I know today they have fixed resolution. For video blogs I ...
Waldemar Wosiński's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to make a video presentation with the possibility to go to the next or the previous "video-slide"?

I've tried to make a Power Point presentation but I've to many videos and rendering inside so the presentation doesn't have a good portability and continuity. I would like to make directly a video, ...
G M's user avatar
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2 answers

Software choosing advice for a beginner

I have a pre-made slides of mostly text and math formulae, and I want to make a kind of video presentation from it. I need a software that can do the following things: Smooth difference transition. ...
Nikita Dezhic's user avatar